Second, I got the question to show how it looks on a person. Here's a picture. Apologies, it's not the best, and I tried to remedy it but somehow all my actions have disappeared from Photoshop (I may have cried when I found this out)... And since most of my photo-editing skills come from clicking the 'Play'-button on an action, I suddenly found myself lost in the dark, not knowing how to work with my own trusty Photoshop! Sigh. I need to remedy this action-less situation soon, but for now, enjoy this not-so-actioned-up-action-shot of me, wearing the necklace.
Note that I have it hanging from a cord with two adjustable knots, meaning I can lower it and wear it waaay longer if I want to. I hope this helps! And if you have made a tiny book necklace, please, show me! I'm curious to see how they turn out!
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