Oh, that poor little plant! I think it's thyme, but whatever it is, it's sturdier than a rock because it survived so much already and it's still going strong. But now, it's covered in this powdery layer of ice!
Kind of like...

These little plants that won't survive a lot more, I'm afraid (I really am terrible with plants, aren't I!?). Covered in a thicker layer of snow already, look at us, having an actual winter, how awesome!
And then.. today..

Snow coming up past my ankle! Powdery goodness covering my balconies, my street, my town, everything! Icy malice, shutting down roads and delaying trains! I love it! Let the whole world come to a full stop and enjoy the cold for a while, no harm in that! Let's all make snowmen and have snowballfights and then warm up with a cup of hot coco and soft, fuzzy slippers.
Alas, it wasn't meant to be, as I had to go to work today anyway.. And as I write this, the rain is coming down already, messing with my beautiful fairy tale world. Booh.
Cold also means that I am once again on the lookout for the perfect winter hat. I have the perfect yarn already, gifted to me in my swap parcel, but all patterns I have found so far either come out with the wearer looking like a conehead or like a ginormous idiot. I love the idea of a Koolhaas but my knitting isn't that good yet. I did find a crochet version which looks good but it asks for a lot more yarn than I have...
Therefore I ask you, dearest reader: any suggestions for the perfect hat? I have about 170 m. of *googles* Aran-weight yarn (I am still not used to those weights!) and would love a hat with something interesting. What are your favourite patterns? Do you have a hat you made that you love? Let me know!