Who let the birds out? We, we, we, we, we! They've been enjoying some time out of the cage in the living room and oh boy, are they having fun with it! Their favourite spot seems to be in the chains of our dining table lamp, but the bar between the lamps is not a bad spot to sit either. They're slowly but surely coming closer to us as well. Where they would fly off towards the highest point in the room they could find before, they now happily hop around on the table, even with us sitting right next to it, and even enjoyed a bit of dipping their beaks in a bowl of water not 30 cm. from where I was sitting! Not bathing, yet. Though it was close.

Tomorrow, they'll get to enjoy some more time out of the cage. Who knows, maybe they'll get even closer to us then! Or won't, and eat the curtains. Or the table. Who knows what kind of monkey business they'll get into?
I mean...